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Disambig grey.svg Note : For other uses , see Zebra ( disambiguation ) .
How to read a box taxonómicaZebra
Zebra in South AfricaZebra in South Africa
scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order : Perissodactyla
Family: Equidae
Genus: Equus
see text
Zebras are mammals , members of the same family of horses, horses , native to central and southern Africa . The coat of this animal is a set of color contrasting stripes alternately black and white arranged in the vertical , except the feet , where they are horizontal.
Is the African savannas where zebras inhabit . They are distributed by families : male , female and young . These animals , usually by being attacked by lions , animals can become extremely fast , because to escape from predators , using the escape and his strong kicks and may even break the jaw of a feline . Zebra's stripes will darken with age , and these animals , although it may appear, are not all equal .
Though they look all the same , the existing zebra species are not closely related to each other . Zebras - of - grevy originate from different animals ( another subgenre ) of those who originated the zebras - the - plains and mountains - of - zebras .
There are on the brink of extinction , although the zebra- of - mountains is threatened . A subspecies of the plains zebra- of - cuaga known as ( the English quagga , which means the sound the animal makes cuahaa ) , Equus quagga quagga was extinguished , but projects cross between zebras with similarly colored species have recovered before extinct project and has released several successful examples in nature .
The Zebras are herbivores , and nourish preferably in the African savanna grasslands .
[hide ] 1 species of zebra2 Etymology3 References4 External links
Zebra species [ edit]
subgenus DolichohippusE. ( Dolichohippus ) enormis - North American species ( extinct )E. ( Dolichohippus ) grevyi - Grevy Zebra- of -E. ( Dolichohippus ) koobiforensis ( defunct)E. ( Dolichohippus ) numidicus ( defunct)E. ( Dolichohippus ) oldowayensis ( defunct)
Quagga subgenusE. ( Quagga ) capensis - Zebra- giant - the - cable ( terminated )E. ( Quagga ) mauritanicus ( Currently there is a project that recovered DNA from the quagga , and thus the species back into existence . The project has successfully released several specimens in nature . Quagga has a very close relationship with Zebra - of - plain . )E. ( Quagga ) Quagga - Zebra- of - plains E. ( Q ) q . antiquorum - Zebra- of - damaraE. ( Q ) q . burchelli - Burchell Zebra- of -E. ( Q ) q . boehmi - Zebra- of - boehmE. ( Q ) q . chapmanni - Zebra- of - ChapmannE. ( Q ) q . foai - Zebra- of - foaE. ( Q ) q . granti - Zebra- of -grantE. ( Q ) q . quagga - Cuaga ( defunct)E. ( Q ) q . wahlbergi - Zebra- of - wahlberg
subgenus HippotigrisE. ( Hippotigris ) Zebra - Zebra- of - mountains E. ( H ) z. hartmannae - Zebra- of - hartmannE. ( H ) z. Zebra - Zebra- of - cable Marcos
Etymology [ edit]
The name derives from the name zebra zevro or zebro , an equine wild, now extinct, who lived in the Iberian Peninsula until the sixteenth century . When Portuguese explorers reached the Cape of Good Hope , in the late fifteenth century , found some horses scratched like the zebro , by which they gave the name of zebras .
References [ edit]Wildlife: Zebra African Wildlife Foundation . Page accessed on March 20, 2013 .
External links [ edit]Project that recovered the species
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