Control PigeonsControl PigeonsJust like rats, pigeons are great transmitters of diseases , even without showing any danger to human health. The main ones are : histoplasmosis , candidiasis , cryptococcosis , salmonellosis , ornithosis , toxoplasmosis , encephalitis , coccidiosis and pseudotuberculosis .
However , there is an environmental protection law that prevents any aggression , ie , can not be eliminated as termites or rats , but , repelled . The Comet follows the law and proposes effective alternatives to avoid the presence of pigeons without their residential environment , trade and business . Check out :Gel RepeOrigem Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .
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Disambig grey.svg Note : " Dog " redirects to this article . For other uses , see Dog ( disambiguation ) . For other meanings of " dog " , see Dog ( disambiguation ) .
How to read a box taxonómicaCão
Occurrence : 0015-0 Ma
Pleistocene - Recent
The Czech wolf-dog hybrid cross between wolves and wild dogs .The Czech wolf-dog hybrid cross between wolves and wild dogs .
Not Rated : Tame
scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order : Carnivora
Suborder: Caniformia
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species : C. lupus
Subspecies : C. liter. familiaris
name trinomial
Canis lupus familiarisLinnaeus , 1758
The dog ( Canis lupus familiaris1 ) in Brazil also called dog is a canine mammal and perhaps the earliest animals domesticated by humans . Theories postulate that emerged from the gray wolf in Asia for more than 100,000 years . Over the centuries , through domestication , humans held an artificial selection of dogs for their abilities , physical characteristics or types of behaviors . The result was a wide variety of dog breeds , which vary in size and coat within their own races , currently classified into different groups or categories . The designations mutt ( in Brazil ) or mutt (in Portugal ) are given to dogs breed or crossbreed descendants .
With life expectancy varies between ten and twenty years, the dog is a social animal that , in most cases , accept their owner as the " head of the pack " and has several features that make it useful to man . It has excellent smell and hearing , is a good hunter and running strong , relatively docile and loyal, intelligent and good learning ability . Thus , the dog can be trained to perform a number of useful tasks , like a hunting dog, guard and herder , for example. Just like humans , is also a victim of diseases like cold , depression and Alzheimer's disease , as well as the characteristics of aging such as vision and hearing problems , arthritis, and mood swings .
The affection and companionship these animals are some of the reasons for the famous phrase : " The dog is man's best friend " since there is no record of friendship so strong and lasting between different species as human and dog . This relationship appears in films , books and magazines , mentioning even different reports actual different times and in various nations . Among the most famous dogs who lived and societies are marked Balto , Laika and Hachiko . In the mythology, Cerberus is said one of the scariest beings . In film , Lassie is one of the most widespread and names in animation, Pluto , Snoopy and Scooby - Doo decades are part of childhood for generations.
[hide ] 1 Origin and history of domestication2 The relationship between the dog and the wolf3 Artificial selection4 Etymology and meaning5 Taxonomy and Nomenclature6 Features
Groups of 7 races8 Health
9 Behavior10 Relationship with man11 Dogs in human culture
12 See also13 Notes14 References15 Bibliography16 See alsoExternal links 1718 Referenceslens for pigeons :Sticky, this gel is indicated for use in ceilings, walls and borders , as are the places where pigeons (and bats ) land .spicules :Are rods with metal tips (not sharp ) fixed in plastic bases . The main function is to prevent pigeons landing , thus can be applied on walls , sills and eaves .
See Comet to learn more about pigeon control and request technical visit on site within 24 hours .Contact Us
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