The Howling Tiger is so powerful and terrifying that paralyzes the victim and can even kill without even touching the Tiger.
Originating in Eastern Siberia, twenty or 30,000 years living in the White Tiger stepes icy, wet forest and woodland.
The White Tiger is a solitary hunter and night.
The white tiger live on average 20 years, and males live less than female, because they are always in confrontation with other males because of prey. The white tiger weighs close to 300 kg, has a 1 meter tall and 3 meters long (with 80 cm tail only).
His heightened sense is hearing. The view of the White Tiger is so weak that it does not distinguish, besides a hundred steps, the smell of the white tiger is practically nonexistent. The power of the white tiger is very varied deer, pigs and cattle.
Thanks to the camouflage provided by coloring and drawing his coat, the white tiger can approach its prey without being noticed.
The female white tigers attract partners emitting a roar. The romance between them is not always violent and sometimes can take a very endearing.
The White Tiger gestation lasts 103-105 days, and 2 or 3 cubs born at a time. Only the female White Tiger takes care of the puppies after they are born, but if a male is eating and appears a puppy, even if not its it away and let the puppy eat your hunt.
Today the White Tiger is among the animals most at risk of extinction.
White tigers are not albino nor a separate subspecies, and the result of a recessive gene. They have blue eyes, nose in a shade of pink with black spots and white coat with light brown stripes.
The white tiger is a color variant of the Bengal tiger, and it is rare to find it freely in the wild, and most often found in zoos.

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