segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2013


   The Howling Tiger is so powerful and terrifying that paralyzes the victim and can even kill without even touching the Tiger.
   Originating in Eastern Siberia, twenty or 30,000 years living in the White Tiger stepes icy, wet forest and woodland.
   The White Tiger is a solitary hunter and night.
   The white tiger live on average 20 years, and males live less than female, because they are always in confrontation with other males because of prey. The white tiger weighs close to 300 kg, has a 1 meter tall and 3 meters long (with 80 cm tail only).
     His heightened sense is hearing. The view of the White Tiger is so weak that it does not distinguish, besides a hundred steps, the smell of the white tiger is practically nonexistent. The power of the white tiger is very varied deer, pigs and cattle.
     Thanks to the camouflage provided by coloring and drawing his coat, the white tiger can approach its prey without being noticed.
     The female white tigers attract partners emitting a roar. The romance between them is not always violent and sometimes can take a very endearing.

   The White Tiger gestation lasts 103-105 days, and 2 or 3 cubs born at a time. Only the female White Tiger takes care of the puppies after they are born, but if a male is eating and appears a puppy, even if not its it away and let the puppy eat your hunt.
   Today the White Tiger is among the animals most at risk of extinction.
   White tigers are not albino nor a separate subspecies, and the result of a recessive gene. They have blue eyes, nose in a shade of pink with black spots and white coat with light brown stripes.
   The white tiger is a color variant of the Bengal tiger, and it is rare to find it freely in the wild, and most often found in zoos.


domingo, 23 de junho de 2013

        Extinction of Species, Why Should We

Often the media bring news about some endangered species. Mico, manatee and turtle are some animals endangered. But there are many other animals in danger of disappearing forever, as many plants as well.

The science is far from knowing everything about biodiversity, ie, on the set of species and ecosystems that exist on our planet. Even though little information that scientists show, reveal an unbelievable loss and reminds us how much we depend on nature for there to be balance.

The Main causes of species extinction are the actions of man in nature, such as deforestation for urbanization, agriculture or livestock (destroying the natural habitat and breaking the cycle of the food chain); illegal trafficking of species (removal of wild animals for sale the illegal market, many animals die on the way and others are subjected to conditions of poor survival), pollution of rivers and seas also causes loss of species and loss of biodiversity, among others.

quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2013

                                                    clown fish

Clown fish, or fish-of-anemones is the common name of the species in the subfamily Amphiprioninae family Pomacentridae. There are about 27 species, one of which belongs to the genus biaculeatus, the other belonging to the type genus Amphiprion. It owes its name to the form misaligned as nothing.
So designated species are native to a wide region comprised in the warm waters of the Pacific, some species coexisting in some of these regions. They are famous because of the ecological relationship of proto established with the sea-anemones, or in some cases, with corals. The anemones provide them shelter, despite the stinging tentacles that are immune because of the mucus layer that coats. The clown fish hides from predators in anemones. On the same basis, lay their eggs, ensuring the protection of their offspring. In return, the remnants of food clownfish are used by the anemone. An association that benefits both partners.
In general, each anemone there is a "Harem" which is a large female, one male and other smaller male reproductive not even smaller. In the case of the female be removed from the male reproductive changes sex, Protandry in said process, and most of the male reproductive becomes not reproduction.

quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2013

                                            white Shark

The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) is a sort of shark lamniforme, being the larger predator fish existing today. A great white shark can reach 7.5 meters in length and weigh up to 2.5 tons. This species lives in coastal waters of all oceans, provided there is adequate populations of their prey, particularly pinnipeds. This species is the only one that survives today, the genus Carcharodon.

The species Carcharodon carcharias receives many names throughout its distribution area. In Spanish, the most common denominations are shark blanco (white shark) and gran blanco shark (great white shark) (the latter influenced by the official name in English, great white shark) .1
In Spain, the traditional name of medieval origin identifies him as jaquetón (augmentative jack, check in Portuguese), a name accompanied by distinct adjectives also apply to many other species of the family Carcharhinidae. There is also the name jaquetón blanco (white jaquetón), derived from the merger of the former name and the shark blanco (white shark), more popular nowadays. The name marrajo, as it is sometimes called in Spanish speaking countries, can lead to confusion with other species of shark.
In Uruguay, is also given the name of "African" to this specialist. In other countries there are denominations most truculent as "man-eater" in Cuba. In the latter country, is also known as jaquetón ley (jaquetón law), a name that, in Spain, is reserved for the species Carcharhinus longimanus.

segunda-feira, 17 de junho de 2013

                                   Saber Tooth Tiger

    With these two big teeth seems until the tiger saber-tooth had difficulty snatch their victims. But scientists have discovered that their jaws were elastic. Thus, it could open their mouth rather than normal.

Only the bite of the saber-tooth was not his forte - in this regard, the lion is much more powerful, for example. His main tactic of attack was expected the victim to get close, jump on top of it and invest his thick legs. Then yes, the fatal blow was due to the huge canines - he avoided biting the bones of the victim not to break your teeth.

Slow and cumbersome

Considered the largest cat that ever existed, the tiger saber-tooth was not very agile. He did not run at high speed and used his weight as a weapon.

There are scientists who believe that he was terminated because of this lack of agility. There are also theories that climate change may have made the beast disappear from the planet.


The powers of the tiger saber-teeth:

The pointed canines reached about 20 centimeters.
The jaw muscles were elastic - so he could open the big mouth without fumbling with fangs.
Paws large and heavy desferiam violent blows on his victims.
Shorter legs and two times stronger than the guaranteed strength of a lion attack.
The short tail indicates that the tiger was not very agile, as fast as the cheetah cats use the tail for balance during the hunt.

Height: up to 1 meter
Weight: 200 kilos
Food: other mammals
Where he lived: America (including Brazil)
Season: Pleistocene: between 2.5 million and 10,000 years ago


                                            sea ​​turtle



Marinham Turtles are reptiles that live in the oceans in tropical and subtropical areas.

There are seven species of sea turtles (Olive turtle, loggerhead, green turtle, hawksbill turtle, tortoise-of-kemp, leatherback turtle and natator depressus).

The size of the adult sea turtles can vary from 1m to 2m in length if the leatherback turtle and giant tortoise. Adults of this species can reach up to 600 kg.

Depending on the species the color of turtles may vary from brown to green.

Systems have well developed hearing and sight.

Because of poaching for several years, most species is in a state of extinction.


Weight: on average 300 to 600 (adult animal)
Length: can reach up to 2 meters long and 1.5 meters wide (depending on species)
Playback: internal fertilization with 3-5 spawns in the same breeding season.

sexta-feira, 14 de junho de 2013

all about the cutest cat

· Men and cats have the same region of the brain responsible for emotions.
· The cat's brain is more similar to humans than the dog.
· The cat has more bones than humans. While the man has 206 cats have 245 bones.
· The cats have vertebrae 30, 5 more than humans.

· Cats have 32 muscles that control their ear. It can rotate its ears independently to almost 180 degrees, and 10 times faster than the best guard dog.
· The cats' hearing is much more sensitive than that of humans and dogs. His ears tapered, channel and amplify sounds like a megaphone.
Cats · listen to 65 kHz (kilohertz), while men hear up to 20 kHz.

· In proportion to the body, cats are mammals that have the largest eyes.
· A cat sees 6 times better than a human at night because it requires one sixth of the amount of light needed to man to see.
· Recent studies have shown that cats can see the yellow, blue and green. Still do not know for sure if they can see red, this color is probably seen as gray or black

white horse and beautiful

this and more beautiful than a horse has between horse

quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2013

the characteristic of the rabbit


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Lagomorpha
Family: Leporidae


Rabbits are mammals

We can find this animal species in various regions of the world

Are herbivores, ie they feed on leaves, stems, roots, and some types of grains

A rabbit healthy, good living conditions, can live between 5 and 10 years

A female reproductive phase can take from 3 to 6 litters per year. In each litter may be born 3-12 pups.

In the woods and forests, living in holes or stumps of trees

Rabbits living in the woods (wild rabbit) have nocturnal habits. To escape their predators, seeking food dutante night. Already have domestic rabbits nocturnal and diurnal


Length: varies according to gender (race) of the animal
Gestation: 30 to 40 days
Color: diverse, but the most common are black, white, tabby, yellowish and brownish
Weight: varies with the race (2 kg to 9 kg). Most breeds have around 3-4 kilos in adulthood.

animals are very important

animals are importate to why antis nois nois vierao of animals that without thcations perem we nois 

all about animals and mammals

Farm Animals: Mammals (horse, pig, dog, rabbit and sheep) and poultry (duck and chicken). It has beautiful photos and text to 1. Cycle and preschool. More from Animal Farm (No photos, with text too concise).
Mammals: Database ICN, with ratings for each animal. Have class, order, family, genus and species. The photos are of poor quality, all taken in the habitat of their animals.
Mammals: Research work in Portuguese, on the large mammals. It plugs characterization and questionnaires. (Good).
Mammals / Birds / Amphibians / Reptiles of the Sierra de S. Mamede (Portalegre): badger, bat, cat angry mole gineta ... . It has beautiful pictures and hyper-realistic images.
Mammals (Bragança-net): Wolf, Fox, Otter, Wild Boar, Hare, Hedgehog.all 
VOICES OF ANIMALS: Click to listen. Opens the WMPlayer (or others). If you want to save, simply click the right mouse button and then "Save Target As".
Comparison of the forelimbs of three mammals: Colorful image with the bat, the human and the horse.
TRANSPORT OF ANIMALS: Has the European rules on animal transport. If you have cattle at home, you care about the well-being of animals. Would you like to travel and the risk of death by crushing or suffocation?

quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2013

segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2013

un nadador fantástico

um nadadofantastico

un animal inteligente

animal mais inteligente

serpiente rara dos cabezas

  cobra rara de duas cadeça

gato salvaje

           gato do mato

o bicho mais feliz

hiena maluca

elefante africano


unico animal do sexo masculino que pode ter seu bebe




um dos animais mais lindos



friendship between two different species

FACTS ABOUT TIGER: The largest tiger found to date was a Siberian tiger with 2.60 meters in length and 320 pounds in weight.
The only way to know if a tiger is male or female is the company of puppies, since it is the feathers female who takes care of the offspring.
The canine teeth tigers are larger than any other predator, for example being at least ten times longer than the largest tooth of a man.
The stripes of the tiger face are like the fingerprint of a person. No two people with the same impression, as no two tigers with the same pattern of stripes.
The tiger can jump nine meters away on flat surfaces and almost 5 feet tall.
With all its weight and size, the tiger is able to get around with extreme grace and elegance, without making the slightest noise.
Tigers are strong enough to drag large prey over long distances A single tiger, for example, can pull a Buffalo-Indian who weighs about 900 pounds. To get around such a burden would take about 14 men strong.

tigre leao

tigre leao