The pandas live in the forests of the mountainous regions of southeastern China (this region is its natural habitat)
They live in caves and hollow trees
Despite being carnivorous, feeding mainly on leaves and bamboo shoots. They also eat some insects and eggs as protein sourcesBehavior have a docile, quiet and shy. There are rare cases in which a panda bear attacked a human.
Are also called: bear cat, cat bear range and ursine
Unlike other species of bears, pandas do not hibernate during the reverse
During the spring mating occurs, and the cubs, usually two, are born in the winter time
The panda paws have five fingers
The panda bear cubs are born with approximately 2 pounds of weight
They have very strong jaws and teeth in order to grind the bamboo shoots
On average a panda lives for 12 years
This species is in a state of extinction caused mainly by low birth rate, indiscriminate hunting (in the past) and the destruction of the forests where they live. Captive breeding occurs in several zoos and animal research centers around the world